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报告主题My experience as EIC of OMEGA

人:Benjamin Lev宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷塞尔大学  


Benjamin Lev is a former Vice President of Meetings for both The Institute of Management Sciences (TIMS) and the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) and INFORMS Fellow since 2003. Lev received degrees in mechanical and industrial engineering from Technion Israel Institute of Technology prior to pursuing a PhD at Case Western Reserve University. After earning his doctorate, Lev joined Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA; University of Michigan Dearborn, MI and is currently a Trustee Professor at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. Since 2002, he has been Editor-in-Chief of OMEGA - the International Journal of Management Science.

Although as academicians we all carry the burden and difficulties of publishing scientific papers it also brings great feelings of accomplishment to have these published works with our names on them. It is never easy even for an experienced researcher but might be very challenging for the newcomers. In this presentation, we will take you behind the scenes and demystify the process by looking at submissions from the Editor-in-Chief’s point of view. Over the last 17 years we have processed 15,000 manuscripts and only 15% were accepted. What are the characteristics of those select successful ones? Do they have anything in common? We will discuss the evolution of OMEGA over the last 17 years, trends in submissions, acceptance rate and Impact Factor, Editorial Advisory Board structure, responsibilities and manuscript flaw. As an EIC I am looking at title, abstract, key words, paper, examples, conclusions, references, appendices, cover letter and similarity index. Finally, we will discuss revised papers. At the end of the presentation the audience will have a better understanding of the review process and how to succeed in submission papers.






发布时间:2019-08-14 09:24


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