主题:Break or Stay inInternationalization Portfolio? The Impact of Negative Performance Gap and TopManagement Team’s Experience on New Country Entries
摘要:Despitelocation choice is a central concern in international business research, hownegative performance gap affects new country entries is still less discussed.Drawing on the behavior theory of the firm, this paper examines how negativeperformance gap drives multinational companies’ (MNCs) to break their existinginternationalization portfolio to enter new countries. We predict a positiveimpact of negative performance gap on the likelihood of entering new countries.Combining with attention-based view, we also propose that such a positiverelationship will be weakened when top management team (TMT) are with highlevels of international experience and firm decline experience. The hypothesesare tested by using a large panel dataset from 4067 MNCs covering 87 industries across 175 countries duringthe period of 2004 to 2013.
主讲人:Wen (Helena) Li
Dr. Wen (Helena)Li received her Ph.D. in 2018 from Zhejiang University. Her primary researchfocus is in the area of International Business and Strategy. Her currentresearch examines how experiential learning, institutions and performancefeedback shape international strategies of Chinese multinational firms andglobal firms. Her research has been published in International Business Review, AsiaPacific Journal of Management, Asia Business and Management, and TechnologyAnalysis & Strategic Management. Further achievement includes a bookchapter titled Internationalization Journey of Huawei which will be publishedby Cambridge University Press. She also involves in two ongoing researchgrants funded by Chinese National Science Fund.