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由我院周明、潘燕春、陈智民三位教授共同合作完成的论文 Environmental resource planning under cap-and-trade: models for optimization在影响因子为4.959的JCR-Q1期刊Journal of Cleaner Production上发表。该期刊系我院历来发表的影响因子最高的期刊。
    以秦全德博士为第一作者的论文Particle Swarm Optimization with Interswarm Interactive Learning Strategy在影响因子为4.943的JCR-Q1期刊IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics上发表,该期刊的影响因子在22本Computer Science和Cybernetics期刊中排名第一。秦全德博士还作为通讯作者参与撰写论文Energy productivity and Chinese local officials’ promotions: Evidence from provincial governors,在影响因子为3.045的JCR-Q1期刊Energy Policy上发表。
    以周志民教授为第一作者的论文Becoming Friends in Online Brand Communities: Evidence from China在影响因子为3.541的JCR-Q1期刊Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication上发表,该期刊的影响因子在全球79本传播学SSCI期刊中排名第一。
    以冯元粤博士为第一作者的论文Why do you return the favor in online knowledge communities? A study of the motivations of reciprocity在影响因子为2.880的JCR-Q1期刊Computers in Human Behavior上发表。
以牛奔教授为第一作者的论文Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Yard Truck Scheduling and Storage Allocation Problems在影响因子为2.692的JCR-Q1期刊Neurocomputing上发表。
    以马利军教授为通讯作者的两篇论文Empty Container Management and Coordination in Intermodal Transport和Diversification Strategy with Random Yield Suppliers for a Mean-variance Risk -sensitive Manufacturer分别在影响因子为2.679的JCR-Q1期刊European Journal of Operational Research和影响因子为2.279的JCR-Q1期刊Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review上发表。
    以杨辰博士为通讯作者的论文A social voting approach for scientific domain vocabularies construction在影响因子为2.048的JCR-Q1期刊Scientometrics上发表。
序号 论文题目 申报作者 作者排名 发表期刊 发表时间 类别 JIF
1  Environmental resource planning under cap-and-trade: models for optimization 潘燕春
Journal of Cleaner Production 2016.01 SCI:JCR-Q1 4.959
2 Particle Swarm Optimization with Interswarm Interactive Learning Strategy 秦全德 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2016.10 SCI:JCR-Q1 4.943
3  Becoming Friends in Online Brand Communities: Evidence from China 周志民 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 2016.01 SSCI:JCR-Q1 3.541
4  Energy productivity and Chinese local officials’ promotions: Evidence from provincial governors 秦全德 二+通讯 Energy Policy 2016.08 SSCI:JCR-Q1 3.045
5  Why do you return the favor in online knowledge communities? A study of the motivations of reciprocity 冯元粤 Computers in Human Behavior 2016.10 SSCI:JCR-Q1 2.880
6 Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Yard Truck Scheduling and Storage Allocation Problems 牛奔 一+通讯 Neurocomputing 2016.05 SCI:JCR-Q1 2.692
7 Empty Container Management and Coordination in Intermodal Transport 马利军 三+通讯 European Journal of Operational Research 2016.12 SCI:JCR-Q1 2.679
8 Diversification Strategy with Random Yield Suppliers for a Mean-variance Risk -sensitive Manufacturer 马利军 三+通讯 Transportation Research Part E:Logistics and Transportation Review 2016.06 SCI:JCR-Q1
9 A social voting approach for scientific domain vocabularies construction 杨辰 二+通讯 Scientometrics 2016.08 SSCI:JCR-Q1 2.084
10 Brain storm optimization algorithm: a review 秦全德 二+通讯 Aritificial Intelligence Review 2016.11 SCI:JCR-Q2 1.731
11 Strategies for Evaluating Performance of Flexibility in Product Recovery System 牛奔 International Journal of Production Research 2016.05 SCI:JCR-Q2 1.693
12 A Hybrid Approach to Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm 牛奔 Original Article 2016.02 SCI:JCR-Q2 1.492
13 Loss-averse Newsvendor Problem with Supply Risk 马利军 Journal of the Operational Reserch Society 2016.02 SCI:JCR-Q2
14 Big data analytics with swarm intelligence 张庆宇 Industrial Management&Data Systems   2016.05 SCI:JCR-Q3 1.278
15 Enterprise behavior under Cap-and-Trade conditions: an experimental study with system dynamic models 潘燕春
Journal of Simulation 2016.02 SCI:JCR-Q3 1.164
16 The Impact of Emotional Arousal Levels and Valence on Product
Evaluations: From Regulatory Goal Perspective
杨翩翩 European Journal of
2016 SSCI:JCR-Q3 1.088
17 Fiscal Decentralization , Budgetary Transparency, and Local Government Size in China 张树剑 Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 2016.04 SSCI:JCR-Q3 0.273
18 Inventory Rationing and Markdown Strategy in the Presence of Lead-time Sensitive Customers 马利军 三+通讯 Operations Research Letters 2016.07 SCI:JCR-Q4 0.627
19  Chinese Employees' Psychological Responses to Abusive Supervisors: The Roles of Gender and Self-Esteem 王荣 Psychological Reports 2016.06 SSCI:JCR-Q4 0.414
20 Air emissions perspective on energy efficiency: An empirical analysis of China's coastal areas 秦全德 Applied Energy online SCI:JCR-Q1 5.746
21 Investigating low-carbon crop production in Guangdong Province, China (1993–2013): a decoupling and decomposition analysis 秦全德 二+通讯 Journal of Cleaner Production Accepted
SCI:JCR-Q1 4.959
22 Will materialism lead to happiness? A longitudinal analysis of the mediating role of psychological needs satisfaction 王荣 Personality and Individual Differences online SSCI:JCR-Q2 1.946
23 Symbiosis-based Alternative Learning Multi-swarm Particle Swarm Optimization 牛奔 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 2016
SCI:JCR-Q1 1.609
24 Influence of affective auditory stimuli on balance control during static stance 陈星宇 Ergonomics 2016.05
25 A Population-based Clustering Technique Using Particle Swam Optimization an K-means 牛奔 一+通讯 Natural Computing 2016.02
SCI:JCR-Q2 1.310
26 Guided Chemotaxis Based Bacterial Colony Algorithm for Three-echelon Supply Chain Optimization 牛奔 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 2016.02
SCI:JCR-Q2 1.319
27 The mediating role of relatedness need satisfaction in the relationship between charitable behavior and well-being: Empirical evidence from China 王荣 三+通讯 International Journal of Psychology 2016.08
SSCI:JCR-Q2 1.276
发布时间:2017-01-12 10:33


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