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管理学院名校名师论坛第138期 暨深大管院工商管理系启真论坛第10期

报告主题:Push vs Pull: Choosing the Right Streategy for Inventory and Speed Tradeoff 
报 告 人:Pro. Liu Liming(Lingnan University of Hong Kong)
主 持 人:潘燕春副教授(深圳大学管理学院)
报告人简介:Pro. Liu Liming is Chair Professor Of Operations Management at Lingnan University. Prior to joining Lingnan, he had been with Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2006 to 2011 and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology from 1993 to 2006. Starting his academic career in queueing theory and inventory management, he is now an active researcher in supply chain management and logistics with publications in such journals as Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Management, European Journal of Operational Research, and Naval Research Logistics. Being a committed member of the research group in maritime and shipping logistics at Polytechnic University, he has recently been involved in both theoretical and empirical research projects in port competition and development policy and shipping economics with publications in Maritime Policy and Management and Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 
Liu Liming has been successful in securing research funding from Hong Kong Research Grant Council. 

发布时间:2015-12-01 09:16


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